We all have done it: Seen parents in malls or watched friends and sworn
I would never do that with my child. All the spoiling, giving in, bribery, poor diets, crying... And we swear up and down, if only it were
our child.
my child threw a fit in the grocery store (which he never would) I would drop everything and walk right out as punishment.
my baby cried while trying to fall asleep, I would let him cry it out for 30 minutes.
My child will only eat home made snacks and very little sugar.
My child will never eat MacDonalds.
My child will never watch TV unless its PBS documentaries about the fall of modern society at the hands of the capitalist governments.
Well I have sworn never to judge a parent again. I can promise you, what ever little master plan your are devising in your head about how you will raise your child, at least part of it, will go down the diaper genie.
Now, I haven't broken all my imaginary rules. But I can certainly sympathize with those parents we see struggling to raise a child. I understand why you want to pick your child up every time they cry. I know why you want to give them McDonald's when you are exhausted at the end of the day (no Owen does not devour French fries. He is still on his strict "organic" diet). I know why you want to just give them that toy so the whole Zellers store doesn't know that you are failing as a parent. I know why you want to spoil them rotten. But like my brother said, the big difference is actually caving in to doing those things. It's one thing to feel bad/embarrassed/heart broken but its another to be strong and do the right thing, for your little one and you.
But I just think, now, instead of thinking of all the ways I would do it (and better), I think I will offer a simple smile. We do our best as mothers and fathers and it would be a little easier if everyone were smiling and wishing them well.
And with that, I am getting down off my Johnson-&-Johnson-no-tears soap box.
Thank you.