Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Oh my beloved blog

Every so often I think of this beloved page and cringe. Not only at the date of the last entry but also at the thought of catching up. So much has changed and happened. I think if I just do a bullet list I will loose this guilt. I will even try and post pictures later (I look at the photos and cringe again! Owen looks so young and its only been a few months. He has so much more hair (that I tried to cut last night but that is a whole other story) and less baby fat. He looks like a "real boy" now.)

So what have we been up to in the world of Owen:

We moved and Owen loves it. He runs around our empty formal living and dining room as a gentle reminder that we have no furniture in there. We call it the jogging track since Owen literally runs in circles in there.

Owen has so many words now. And he uses them. To demand food, tv (only one programme about cars which drives me nuts, both that he actually recently starting asking for tv and his choice in shows), blanket, water and some of the kids from day care, which I guess he thinks I can make magically appear because he wants them too. Working on that teleporting thing Owen, I promise.

Owen has gone back to waking up at night. Only once but it drives me nuts. Just as I was forcing him off of it, he got sick or is teething this week. So I will have to start all over once he is well. Ugg.

Owen is getting a whack of molars in but in true odd Owen fashion he is still missing a whack of teeth in the front. He only has 7 teeth in the front, which sounds like a lot but he has gapping holes. I think that, partnered with the baby fat, is why people always refer to him as a baby and then do a double take when I say he is almost two. Like some how I am mistaken about his age. Clearly this pile of mush is too far down the milestone chart to be 22 months old. He doesn't even read (gasp).

Owen has discovered jumping. Although, we call it reverse jumping. Its hard to explain but basically imagine trying to jump into the sidewalk and that's Owen. He gets noooo air time at all. But he insists at every crack in the sidewalk to "jump". It's almost like a physical tick that make people look away in sorrow.

Well my lunch is officially over but I think I got a good chunk down in Coles note version. Hopefully I will keep this momentum going. Damn facebook and Scrabulous is so distracting!