Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I don't know what it is with my family, but in a weird way, all the boys look a like. I have to get a photo of my brother and father to show you the resemblance with Owen. The photo below is oddly like my brother. A little shudder...

Giggle ball in the snow

Our little giggle ball! He has officially begun actually laughing and giggling. Like there is an actual sound that comes out when he smiles. Apparently, tickling him with baby wipes (clean ones, people, please a little faith) elicits great laughter!! The simple pleasures.

I officially request that winter be over. Being stuck indoors for days on end is torture for Owen and I. Going out in the cold causes him to gasp. Those little lungs don't handle the cold so well. And the poor booger is sick to death of me, "Sharon Lois and Bram" and that annoying tambourine (darn Dollar store). I pray that ol' Wierton Willy is right for once. Bring me early spring. Thank god there are lots of parks near by. Can't wait till there is good weather to go outside!

Here's a photo from one of the many hours spent in our basement playing with things that dangle. He will be a pro "swatter" and "batter" by time the summer comes...

The infamous baby shark attacks

They start out innocently enough...

But you turn your back...

And suddenly you are gummed from behind...

And then spit out!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Owen's higher education: dad style vs. mom style

Yes, we are starting him early. Yes, he has no idea what we are saying. But I think he enjoys just being talked to and looking at the pictures.

Cris claims this book is sexist and is waiting for the "Where's Daddy" version. Till then he takes a little liberty with the wording.

So while dad is training Owen for reading and higher education, I am prepping him for the all important battle for the remote. In our house, I am the clear winner/owner of the remote. This boy needs to work on his grip if he stands a chance of ever watching something he wants to see.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Photos from week 11 and 12

After a bath- The towel is a little frog, hence the gigantic eyeballs!

I just can't stand it!!! Too cute. New hairdo (mine, not his) care of Nadia- my saviour!

All dressed up and thrilled with himself.

My boys!

Trust me Owen is thrilled but you put a camera in front of him and he is mesmerized. Very hard to get smiles on camera since he stops doing anything and stares at the camera.

That great toothless grin!

Week 12

Well we have been watching the Olympics for Owen's early sports conditioning. Owen just loves to watch the movement on the screen. No, he has no idea what it is but all the books say television can help them to predict movement and outcomes. See, not all TV is bad!

We have also been reviewing all the sport opportunities for him, like:
  • Skeleton- bad
  • Hockey- good
  • Aerial jumping- bad
  • figure skating- good (BAD says Cris! Just kidding)
  • Biatholon- bad (someone could loose an eye)
  • cross country skiing- good

I don't think they have baby classes for most of these sports but its never to early to study. I was also amazed at all the bizarre combination of sports like moguls and aerials combined with cross country skiing. But I am told that that sport has been around forever. I guess I am just not hip to the Olympics...

Hope everyone had a great Valentine's day. Thanks to my mom and Bernie, Cris and I were able to get out for dinner. And we only spent half the time talking about how great our son is. Not bad.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

La Cucarracha!!

Yes, he really was holding these marracca's (purchased at the fabulous dollar store!) on his own. He kept bashing himself in the head with them, but he didn't seem to mind :)

And yes I understand that his ability to hold them is purely reflex at this point. But yesterday he actually grabbed my thumb and shoved it in his mouth. He is teething a bit so he was rubbing my thumb against gums. Trust me, he was very deliberate with his actions. So slowly we are figuring out how to use those hands to get things!

Week 11

Baby Torture- also known as tummy time. Which sounds really lame. I prefer T.T. But look at that little old man butt he has!!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Sleeping Beauty

It seems Owen is quite the party animal. By that I mean he sleeps. A lot. But still with in normal boundaries (I am not creating a lethargic baby). So I thought I would throw up a montage of the sleeping bumpkin. Apparently, looking back at the photos, he can sleep anywhere!

I try to send a photo everyday to Cris at work so that is why we have tons of photos! Plus its also amazing to see the changes over the last few months.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Week 10!!

Thanks to everyone who checked out Owen's blog! We really appreciate your great comments and for even caring!! And it gives me purpose...

So I thought I would give Owen's stats for week 10: he is weighing about 13 pounds and is 57 cm long. Hopefully he will be a good tall Wilson :) He has discovered his hands but isn't so coordinated yet. He can grab things if you pry his little hand open. Apparently that is just a reflex but I swear he is a genius. He is not so thrilled about the whole lying on the belly thing either. But we are working on it. I refuse to have an 11 year old who can't support his own head weight.

Owen still loves the music thing. I bought him a little tambourine- very partridge family. Gotta love the dollar store. Next is getting Raffi, Sharon Lois and Bram and Barney on CD. That is what the library is for...

Owen sleeps for 6-7 hours at night before needing a snack. So I only have to wake up once. Liking that. That magic 12 hours can't be that far off...I would be happy with 9 or 10 hours. But he is a good little sleeper none the less.

I have posted a photo of me as a kid to see if people think Owen and I look a like. Everyone has said he looks like Cris so I am on a mission to prove everyone wrong. We still need to get a photo of Cris as a baby for a fair comparison.

Maybe a little like me??? This is Owen at 10 weeks and me at 6 months