Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Week 10!!

Thanks to everyone who checked out Owen's blog! We really appreciate your great comments and for even caring!! And it gives me purpose...

So I thought I would give Owen's stats for week 10: he is weighing about 13 pounds and is 57 cm long. Hopefully he will be a good tall Wilson :) He has discovered his hands but isn't so coordinated yet. He can grab things if you pry his little hand open. Apparently that is just a reflex but I swear he is a genius. He is not so thrilled about the whole lying on the belly thing either. But we are working on it. I refuse to have an 11 year old who can't support his own head weight.

Owen still loves the music thing. I bought him a little tambourine- very partridge family. Gotta love the dollar store. Next is getting Raffi, Sharon Lois and Bram and Barney on CD. That is what the library is for...

Owen sleeps for 6-7 hours at night before needing a snack. So I only have to wake up once. Liking that. That magic 12 hours can't be that far off...I would be happy with 9 or 10 hours. But he is a good little sleeper none the less.

I have posted a photo of me as a kid to see if people think Owen and I look a like. Everyone has said he looks like Cris so I am on a mission to prove everyone wrong. We still need to get a photo of Cris as a baby for a fair comparison.

Maybe a little like me??? This is Owen at 10 weeks and me at 6 months

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