But the point of this blog is "Crawl Therapy".
On the web site I was checking out for crawling help, someone had posted about crawl therapy. Will wonders never cease. You see some babies crawl, some scoot around on their butt, some roll, and some skip it all together and go to cruising (grabbing on to furniture and making their way around the room by walking). Apparently those that skip it are now being deemed developmentally delayed. They suffer from poor comprehension skills, trouble reading and spelling. They are now being enrolled into crawl therapy to teach them to crawl, even though they already know how to walk. Ok, I thought this was the absolute stupidest example of parenting gone wild. I never crawled. I scooted. So apparently I am not up to par with my peers. I have no problem with crawl therapy if your child isn't doing anything to get mobile. But a child who skips ahead, who decides they don't need to waste their time on their hands and knees...They are supposedly special needs?? Huh?
I just had to share the ridiculous parenting world we live in . And on to the photo of my slow baby.