Friday, August 04, 2006

All the wonderful things...

I realized lately that this blog has taken a turn away from specifically Owen and focused on the crazy awful world of parents and babies. So I thought I would share a few of my favorite things about Owen. Just to redeem myself as apparent and reaffirm Owen's place as the perfect squirt.

  • He loves string and ribbons. He gets so happy to be able to shove those stringing strands in his mouth. It must feel funny because he makes a weird face like he just ate a lemon. And then laughs. I love the simple pleasures. And clearly so does he.

  • Probably his favorite toy is a blinking toothbrush my mom bought at a dollar store for him.

  • He talks to the dog. I am not worth the effort but the dog is. I even feel a bit bad because the dog never says anything back. But Owen has not given up yet. He hangs over the side of his chair and calls to her by grunting and cooing. Then laughs if she turns towards him. Small successes. He will have Lola conversing by time he is 20.

  • He has a Cabbage Patch doll that he just adores. Probably because she has lots of stringing yarn hair he can suck on. But he also slobbers all over her face. Its very romantic. The doll was a gift from my brother and Tara when we were expecting- practice for us. I can't remember what her "given" name was (yes I lost the Cabbage Patches birth certificate). So Owen and I went through a bunch of names (all the names I would have picked if Owen was a girl) and when I said Zoe, his face lite up and he had a big smile! Zoe it is!

  • He loves people especially the ladies. I have been on patios, in bookstores, at bus stops and if there is a woman near by (especially a pretty one with long hair) the cat calls start. He grunts and laughs and says "oo oo oo" until they finally look at him. The he flashes that huge smile to seal the deal. And who can't resist smiling back. And then he smiles again. This goes on for ever till either I have to go (being completely left out of the interaction) or the woman has to move on. Owen is starting to warm up to men. But they definitely don't get the same treatment. Usually just a smile and laugh.

  • When you go into his room in the morning to get him up (which he usually already is but is playing quietly by himself), he gives a big smile and starts flapping his arms and legs. We call it "swimming in bed". It makes the early morning worth it.

  • And by early morning I mean 7:00 or 7:30. Another reason to adore him. Last week he actually slept in till 8:30!! Miracle.

And the photo speaks for itself.

Owen and his girlfriend Zoe.

"I command you..."

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