-He recently drooled all over a photo of Lacey Chambert (Remember the little girl in Party of Five? Not so little anymore. In many ways). And I do mean drooled. Big wet stain right where your dirty little mind is imagining it.
-He nearly bust a gut farting in the bath tub.
-Can not multi task. Obviously not a Gemini like almost everyone in my family.
-Pants are too long, shirts are too short.
-He ate the foaming soap we have (off his hand) because yes it does look exactly like whip cream. No it doesn't taste like it. Or lavender as the bottle proclaims is the "scent". I don't want to reveal how I know.
-He pulled every purse off the displays in the Bay while I was hunting for a new bag. He knows how I shop.
-He likes shoes but doesn't fit into any.
-Can't speak a word of Spanish.
-Sleeps 12 hours no problem!
SIGNS HE IS NOT OURS- A hospital mix up:
-cute as a button
-would choose milk or water over any other drink
-Prefers Wheel of Fortune to Jeopardy
-doesn't like the breading on chicken nuggets (the good ones from loblaws for kids)
-more interested in simple things then fancy toys (like an iMac)