Thursday, March 09, 2006

Balling for Oprah

So one thing I have noticed is drastically different about me is my overwhelming sympathy/empathy for mothers and children. Any story about a child hurt sends me to tears. Any story about a mother protecting her children and I feel the same instincts they do. Not that I was cold hearted before, but now...

So good ol' Oprah sent me weeping today. A father was on the show with his son. They ran over 200 triathalons and 60 marathons. Amazing. But even more so when you hear the son is wheelchair bound, unable to move, talk or walk. The father pushes himin a chair or swims with him in a raft or cycles with him on the front. I can barely run 20 minutes anymore and this 60 year old man is running for two. The son has the ability to communicate through a computer and a few basic sounds. But it was when the father described the sounds the son made when he was participating in these races. "The prettiest sound ever". Enter babbling me! Can you imagine being so dedicated for your son? But I guess all parents can.

My favorite was also when the father said the son was not disabled. He just needs people to help him do certain things. So true!

Made me hug my little son. Till he got annoyed with me. Then back to the marraccas.

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