So last weekend we went to the Great Glebe Garage sale. For those of you not from Ottawa, this is a huge garage sale that spans many blocks. It is held in one the richest neighbourhoods (and oldest) in Ottawa. So there is lots of great stuff that is over priced :) But occasionally you can find good deals or at least barter with someone back to reality ("$40 for the broken ab roller?? I'll give you $0.25").
Some how, with Cris and I zig zagging back and forth, we managed to nab some great deals. All for Owen of course. We got there at 6:30 a.m. (yes in the morning) and after a hearty breakfast of Second Cup coffee and a polish sausage (please note Cris is Chilean so no lame jokes), we were on our way. This garage saleing is quite competitive and you have to move fast. I even got mad at Cris for taking too long looking at children's books. If only he had moved faster I could have gotten a whole box of baby board books for $10...Um obviously not really his fault. But some one must be blamed for the tragic loss.
So what did Owen get?? Take a gander.

They threw the baby in for free. The hat was $0.25.
So yes lots of books. Blocks, a tool set (plastic), weebles, a bath ring, a play pen...a bunch of stuff I don't know what to call.
So Owen got lots of stuff. Mom got a sun burned neck and Cris got a work out lugging the stuff around. Next year we will attach a U-Haul to his stroller to load it all up.
Of course on our way home (at 12:30), we drove by a park on Alta vista drive filled with kids stuff!!! Clearly not having had our fill after 6 hours in the Glebe, I made Cris pull over and do an abrupt U-ey. He sat in the car with the sleeping munchkin (who was very good the whole time in the Glebe) as I rummaged through table after table of items. I didn't walk away with too much except a pair of cute overalls, another hat and a soft, walking, toy plane. All for $1! Apparently it was the end of the sale and they were trying to get rid of everything. It was a fundraiser for a local Nursery School. Hope my $1 is put to good use.
So after the quick detour, I insisted Cris drive us straight home- no stopping no matter what I said. We made it all the way as I kept my eyes on the seat in front of me. It took quite a while to unload the car. Then I had to wash and dissinfect everything. It was two days before all the toys made it downstairs. And now they sit in the toy box, largely unused. But I am fully confident that he will be able to use them once he is a little bigger. Or else we can sell them at a garage sale.
We have not been to another garage sale yet. But I did hit the 50% sale at Value Village. It was indoors so I contend it doesn't count.