Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Delinquent blogger

I apologize for the severe lack of updating. It has been a rough couple of days, followed by a weekend in TO, followed by looking after the little two year old guy again. So my time is severely limited!

Hopefully the short version of this all is that Owen got very sick starting two weeks ago. Owen had a fever since Wednesday June 14. It ranged from 100 to 103.4. We ended up taking him to a clinic on Saturday and they said they couldn't diagnosis him because they couldn't see anything wrong although he was clearly very sick. So off to CHEO (local kids hospital) we went (they definitely need a campaign to raise funds for a new emergency department!).

When we got there, his temperature was 104.7 and his pulse was racing at 200 beats per minute (instead of the normal 120). They gave him tylenol rectally (fun for all) and that brought his temp down. But then he went all grey and cold and clammy. We were waiting for him to produce a urine sample which took 3 hours since he wasn't feeding well either. When they saw the bright yellow sample they did a quick dip test and it came back positive for blood, puss... Everything (what else is "everything"? I was afraid to ask). And very positive. So we got moved to the front of the line.

After a catheter test to take a more pure sample of urine (and a nice walk for mom and dad so mom didn't loose it and freak the little guy out), it turns out he had a urinary tract infection. So now he is on antibiotics. The fever finally broke on the Monday and he was back to his old self by Thursday. He still has a few test to go. He will need an ultrasound to make sure his kidneys are ok and then another catheter test to unsure his urinary tract is formed and functioning properly. But we have a few weeks before he has to do that. It was very heart breaking and sad. Everyone always comments on how happy and quiet Owen is. Well when he was sick he was the exact opposite. And although I longed for the old happy Owen, it made me feel awful that he clearly was very uncomfortable and sick. I am just glad it's over.

Then it was off this weekend to TO for Cris' sister's baby shower. Owen got passed around a lot and shown off. He was a little apprehensive of all the people. But he smiled a bit. He loves Cris' mother and thinks she is hilarious. And he was absolutely entranced with Cris' little cousins, Felicia and Alexa. Oh he loves the ladies.

So now we are back home and looking after Liam as a favour for a friend. It is great having Liam here, not only because it keeps us busy. But Owen is also so entertained all day that he sleeps soundly through the night, without fail. When he was sick, Owen was up every 1.5 to 2 hours. Partly because it hurt when he peed. But also because of the fever. He spent most nights in bed with us, which meant we had no sleep. So even this last weekend he was waking up 3 times a night. I couldn't figure out why- maybe habit. Maybe he really was trying to build up his strength by eating. But hopefully now that he has had the taste of sleeping through the night he will go back to do it consistently or at the most up once a night. Anything is better than a week ago!

So there you have it. The last two weeks in a nut shell. Nothing funny or cute. No lovely story. No mommy demerit points (if anything, I think I gained a few back). Just grateful everyone came out ok and happy.

You know your munchkin is better when...

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